Hesban 2: Environmental Foundations
Studies of Climatical, Geological, Hydrological, & Phytological Cond. in Hesban & Vicinity
Edited by Øystein S. LaBianca
This volume is devoted primarily to a synthesis of more recent findings pertaining to the physical and botanical environment of Tell Hesban and the region which lies approximately within a 10-km radius of the site. The impetus for the research presented was the conviction that inferences about the state of environmental conditions in antiquity must be informed by a thorough understanding of the present-day environment. Detailed here is the climate, the geology, the flora, and the paleoenvironment of Hesban and its environs. Includes 26 figures, 42 plates, and 9 tables.
About the Hesban Series
This series provides reports on anthropological and archaeological findings gleaned from the site of Tell Hesban, Jordan, during five seasons of excavation. Sponsored principally by Andrews University, the Hesban Expedition received international recognition as the first regional project in Jordan. Each volume of this series describes a specific aspect of the excavation and has been authored by one or more specialists in the subject. Authors in this series include Lawrence T. Geraty, Robert D. Ibach Jr., Øystein S. LaBianca, Larry A. Mitchel, Paul J. Ray Jr., Leona G. Running, and S. Douglas Waterhouse, among others. The hardcover volumes are highly illustrated and completely indexed.
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CHAPTER 1: Introduction by Øystein Sakala LaBianca
CHAPTER 2: Climate of Tell Hesban and Area by Kevin Ferguson and Tim Hudson
CHAPTER 3: Bedrock, Surficial Geology, and Soils by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 4: Surface and Groundwater Resources of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 5: Flora of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Patricia Crawford
CHAPTER 6: Ecology of the Flora of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 7: Paleoethnobotany and Paleoenvironment by Dennis R. Gilliland
CHAPTER 8: Conclusion by Øystein Sakala LaBianca and Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 2: Climate of Tell Hesban and Area by Kevin Ferguson and Tim Hudson
CHAPTER 3: Bedrock, Surficial Geology, and Soils by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 4: Surface and Groundwater Resources of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 5: Flora of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Patricia Crawford
CHAPTER 6: Ecology of the Flora of Tell Hesban and Area, Jordan by Larry Lacelle
CHAPTER 7: Paleoethnobotany and Paleoenvironment by Dennis R. Gilliland
CHAPTER 8: Conclusion by Øystein Sakala LaBianca and Larry Lacelle
Title: Hesban 2: Environmental Foundations Studies of Climatical, Geological, Hydrological, & Phytological Cond. in Hesban & Vicinity
Editor: Øystein S. LaBianca
ISBN-13: 978-0-943872-15-5
Year: 1986
Pages: 184
Editor: Øystein S. LaBianca
ISBN-13: 978-0-943872-15-5
Year: 1986
Pages: 184