Andrews Study Bible (NKJV) Bonded Leather Burgundy
Key Features
- Easy-to-read design
- Two-color print
- New King James Version
- More than 12,000 study notes written by an international group of Bible scholars and theologians
- The latest in faithful biblical scholarship
- Introduction to each book of the Bible, with an outline
- A unique, linked reference system to illuminate great themes of the Bible
- An annotated scripture index to the great themes
- A highlighted center margin with 65,000 cross references and translation notes
- 11 two-color in-text maps
- 15 full-color end maps of the land of the Bible, with a comprehensive index
- Dozens of charts that present important Bible information for easy understanding
- Feature articles discussing the inspiration and message of the Bible
- Practical advice on how to follow the Bible in daily life, including a popular Bible reading plan
- An extensive, 152-page concordance
Calvin B. Rock, Ph.D., D.Min
Retired Vice President
General Conference
"An all-star cast of Adventist scholars has written a superbly useful tool for students of the Bible in the present time."
Raoul Dederen, Ph.D., Sc.Mor.
Former Dean
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
"I am pleased that the Andrews Study Bible aligns the best of scholarship with a fierce devotion to the sacredness of the text. I believe that the Andrews Study Bible will bless both scholar and lay reader with a wealth of doctrinal, theological, and homiletical insights."
Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D, D.Min, MBA
Loma Linda University
The Andrews Study Bible was made possible by the contributions of biblical scholars and theologians from around the world. Under the leadership of the general editor Jon L. Dybdahl, these men and women wrote the original material for the book introductions and study notes. As part of the normal publication process, their contributions benefited from several lines of evaluation, critical review, and editing.
What information is presented in the book introductions?
Each book of the Bible is introduced with a discussion of facts regarding the title, author, date, themes, purpose, and structure, also including an outline of the book’s content.
What “great themes” appear in your linked reference system?
The great themes and annotated scripture index include twenty-eight topics such as salvation, death, creation, the Sabbath, and the Second Coming of Jesus.
Do you sell other translations of this Bible?
Spanish and Portuguese translations may be purchased through Pacific Press.
Is the volume in a format that is easy to read?
The text of this volume is presented with a style of design and typography intended for easy use, readability, and understanding. The font size of the Bible text is 9.25 pt and the notes 8 pt.
Do you have a red-letter edition of this Bible?
The Bible text and most of the content of the study notes appear in black type. However, for easy location and pleasant appearance, several other elements on a page are in color. Color is not applied to any biblical text, as all passages of it are considered equally sacred.
How can I get a name engraved on the Bible?
Engravings can often be arranged with Adventist Book Centers or directly with engraving services in your area.
Pages: 1906