Questions on Doctrine
Annotated Edition
Edited by George R. Knight
Originally produced by the Ministerial Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Questions on Doctrine was widely acclaimed and distributed in the late 1950s and early 1960s as a forthright answer to questions from evangelicals about key elements of Adventist doctrine. It has rightly been called “the best work of Adventist apologetics that has ever been published.” However, controversy regarding the book’s positions on the nature of Christ and the atonement soon stopped its circulation, and its otherwise excellent content on other matters faded from view.
Knight’s essays and additional important resources provide a comprehensive understanding of how the book came about, its continuing influence and value, and the interaction of the principal players involved in the crisis that shelved this classic work for more than a generation.
About the Author
George R. Knight is professor emeritus of church history at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. A prolific writer, he is the author of A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists, Walking with Jesus on the Mount of Blessing, and Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective, among many other works.Editor: George R. Knight
ISBN-13: 978-1-940980-17-1
Year: 2024
Pages: 635